Sunday, September 19, 2010

Helping keep Tom warm

From this

to this

to this.

Doesn't he look happy?

The scarf wanted to check out Tom's digs. It went to Menlo Park.

It went to the Edison Illuminating Company of Detroit.

It sat for a spell on the porch of the Mattox House.

It hung out with the mulberry trees.

(Stay tuned for more adventures of Tom's scarf!)

Here's a picture of the scarf laid out so you can see all of its 30 feet of glory!

For more pictures of The Purl Street Scarf Project at Maker Faire Detroit and the completed scarf, you can click on the Flickr link in the side bar or click here: Take me to see pretty pictures.

Thanks again to all who helped make this whimsical vision a reality: Carolyn, Char, Elizabeth, Elanda, Mary, Lisa, Carol, Dawn, Kathryn, Neighborhood Knits, everyone who donated yarn, local yarn stores that put up a poster, and everyone who knitted or crocheted a square, a rectangle, one row, several rows, a few stitches. It is your spirit that makes this scarf as amazing and marvelous as it is.

1 comment:

Knittas 4 Life said...

You guys totally inspired us to do something similar in #lovelansing. Would love any guidance, help, or ideas!